Level One in Health & Beauty

What is a Level One in Aesthetic Practice

 Level One is the Starting Point in recognising that under current UK legislation its possible to practice as an Aesthetic Practioner with limited training or qualifications.  A successful candidate for the Level One Insignia will have attained a certificate from a company to state they have completed training but may not have the underpinning knowledge required for further qualifications. Training must be accredited

and proof of underpinning knowledge will be required.

 If you would like to gain pathway into aesthetics training or you would like to  train to level 4 please look on www.BookonPointhub.com

There are many Training Companies  with accredited training  who could guide you on your career path. 

Go To www.bootonpointhub.com

  Its essential that any Practioner has underpinning knowledge at the commencement of their Aesthetics Career Path. And have achieved further qualification

Safe Faces have received  copies of the businesses Level & Award . 

List you business at Book On Point, help potential clients find your business and qualification.

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