Register Today

Register Today

How do you get your Safe Faces Insignia?

We want to help you and your business.

  Identifying qualifications and training standards could be key as enforceable new legislation comes into place

Currently there is no regulated registration process for ALL Aesthetic Practioners

There are businesses who claim this is so, but there is

 No mandatory regulation for registration

We have 2 new websites and apps where your business could stand informing potential clients about your level of qualification steering them to choose Professional Practioners

Our sites give you the opportunity to demonstrate

your qualifications to practice

Our Aim is to acknowledge

Qualifications in Aesthetic Practice

We already have some of the top business in the industry listed on our directory.

Fill in this form, you are obligated to nothing.

This gives us the opportunity to show you how we could help your business and  attract new customers.

No hard sell, just information for you to make an informed choice

Safe Faces Registration

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